One of the best ways to find a good article is searching through the authentic sources including bibliographic databases and the publishers’ websites.
There are three main sources that make finding a good and authentic paper feasible, which are listed below:
The bibliographic database is a source of information related to all the contents existing on the internet or libraries. These bases provide information like the titles of the articles, the name of the authors, and generally all the information related to the papers, books, etc. As can be induced, these bases only provide the information about the papers, and the researchers cannot access the whole text of the papers. The major property of the bibliographic databases is that they are not limited to the specific publications. Below the names of some popular sites are listed:
Therefore, through a bibliographic database, you can find the papers you are looking for among almost all of the authentic and reliable articles. But, these resources possess two negative characteristics when used by the university students as follows:
All of the authentic publishers have their own sites and databases. These sites possess good searching systems, and sometimes their searching systems have better facilities than a bibliographic database.
Identifying the publications related to your major
If you identify these kinds of publications, you can directly, search through the papers of those publications. You may suppose that all of these publications belong to the publishers, and if you search through the publishers’ sites, you have already searched through the publications. It is true, but you can save time by searching through the publications rather than publishers’ sites. Let us give you an example.
For example: If you search the word “Alzheimer” in Science Direct, there will come up more than 180000 results. But, if You search the same word in the publication of “Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery” existing in Science Direct, you will get only about 400 results which are more related. Therefore, if you identify the publication related to your major, you can find good articles more easily and quickly.
ESRPC is an official worldwide publication system which has enjoyed 8 years’ experience assisting authors to produce and distribute high-quality articles. The team is experienced in all the phases helping you select the best journal for publication of your scientific article all over the world.