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Address ISI Journals

published : 15 %777 2018
read : 2 minutes

Contribute to the academic field and boost your occupational position by criticizing the significance of your study.

Address ISI Journals

Increasing pressure for getting articles published in scholarly journals is obvious these days among academics, professionals, researchers, educators, practitioners, and students and the competitive atmosphere has made the issue more challenging. Through previous investigations, many reasons have been revealed with regard to publication in scholarly journals particularly with high indexes including Web of Science, SCOPUS, etc. In points of the fact, the academic community has been geared towards dissemination of knowledge which is expedient for society as well as authors since it might be a necessity for finding a good position in the occupational state, educational field, graduation, and promotion. To begin with, the specification of the goal of writing as well as publication ought to be made.

With regard to content, though it speaks, there is much more for going a long way in publication field (ESRPC, 2017). During the process of writing, it is required to present the content as CLEAR (Coherent/Cohesive & Critical, Logical, Easy, Abbreviated and Revealing) as possible (Z. N, 2017).

 “Understanding a text as a whole necessitates logical linking of the main ideas and arguments. If a text is coherent, there are particular ties between the old and new information making the sentences flow smoothly communicating one or more topic statements” (ESRPC, 2017). “As the complementary part, cohesion refers to giving the text flow through connecting parts of the sentence together which is reflective of the tone of writing. Making use of discourse markers, and synonym and pronouns are the means for fulfilling the aim of creating a grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion respectively” (ibid.). “At the semantic level, the analysis of discourse as a sequence of sentences provides an account of relative interpretations: The meaning or reference of words, clauses, or sentences is studied as a function of those assigned to previous sentences. This aspect of discourse is often described in terms of local or sequential coherence” (van Dijk, 1977). “To outline, a cohesive text is not necessarily coherent and coherence does not have to be accompanied by cohesion; though, for writing an academic text, achieving both of the factors is demanded” (ESRPC, 2017).

Articles are published in ISI journals which analyze the issues through critical perspective. It is a crucial issue considering that a critical thinker is always persistent, skeptical, who anticipates the implications that the article’s outcome might have. Being critical is not as easy as it seems, high self-confidence and hard work are demanded for the case.

Being critical entails being Logical at the same time. Argumentative writing is logic-based and the drawn conclusion is related to previous premises that the truth of one implies the truth of the other.

Do not consider writing with complicated vocabularies and structures as prestigious, the easier and smoother the writing, the better. Being abbreviated and revealing are other factors which should be taken into account in order not to make the writing redundant, and excessive, but informative and with the standard length.

Accordingly, “Due to the high standards that are imposed on the journals indexed in Web of Science, it is hardly possible that a badly written paper (even a highly relevant one) would be published in such a journal. However, scientific writing is partially taught, and scientists in most cases have to learn its basic principles in the process of trials and errors” (Mirjana Pejić Bach, 2015).


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